
Fruit Tree Care

Apple, Pear, Peach & Apricot Program


1st Fruit Spray

2nd Fruit Spray

3rd Fruit Spray

apples on a tree

Backyard Fruit Tree Services

We handle all types of fruit trees including apple, pear, cherry, peach, and apricot.

Be sure to get in touch with us about scheduling your fruit tree sprays today!

Minimum Price is $50.00 per treatment

ripe cherries in a cherry trree

Spokane Edible Tree Project

The Spokane Edible Tree Project provides equitable access to healthy food by coordinating volunteers to harvest produce that may go to waste, partnering with organizations to deliver directly to people in need, educating tree owners, and cultivating a food-secure community. Learn more at spokaneedibletreeproject.org.

Cherry Tree Program


Cherry Fruit Fly Spray

1st Fruit Spray